Your One-Stop Shop for local Pet supply and services.

We're collating details of local businesses who supply pet related products or services. Please email us if you'd like to be added (free of charge and no catch) - Just wanting to bring our local animal loving community the best all-round service we can. 

Independent Pet Store

FREE local delivery to all customers, Mon - Sat. Competitive pricing across all products. Stocking a variety of loose foods, with plenty of sacks available to order. Loyalty scheme available on BURNS and the infamous 100% Natural Dog Treat Boxes. Contactable by phone, text, WhatsApp or on Facebook for orders and enquiries. Follow on Facebook for updates, offers and helpful information. - 07732005871

Pet Behaviourist

Vanessa is a clinical animal behaviourist and dog trainer based in South Wales.

'I help dogs, cats and rabbits using my scientifically proven methods. I know each animal is different, and I'll work with yours to give them the specific guidance they need. Whether you're thinking about getting an animal, have a new pet, or already own a pet with behavioural problems, I am here to help.' 

Gift Ideas

Dog Groomers

More info soon!

Watch this space!

More info soon!